Extended Copyright Liability to Tech Giants Google & Facebook Following the European Copyright Reform

By Adv. Yehuda Neubauer, Partner, Ehrlich, Neubauer & Melzer of Ehrlich Group. The European Council recently approved the new copyright directive that updates the current copyright law within the European...

Stay in the Proceedings is now available for Patent Applications related to Plants in Europe

By Dr. Hadassa Waterman, Head of Biotech Department, Ehrlich & Fenster of Ehrlich Group. The President of the EPO has referred questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal on the...

Israeli entrepreneurs race to protect potential Coronavirus solutions

The Ehrlich Group has filed approximately 30 patent applications for coronavirus-related technologies, on behalf of dozens of Israeli entrepreneurs.

Revised EU Examination guidelines: EPO Clears the way for AI & Machine learning Patents

By Adv. & Patent Attorney Roy Melzer, Head of Software, Information Sys. Department The European patent office (EPO) recently published its revised guidelines for examination. The new guidelines include a...

Conducting a Clinical Trial? you should contact your Patent Attorney

By: Dr. Jacob Blumenthal and Maier Fenster, Ehrlich & Fenster of Ehrlich Group. A few days ago I received an e-mail from one of our clients saying ” Dear Jacob, we...

US Supreme Court: Secret Sale of an Invention May Qualify as Prior art under AIA

By Adv. Yehuda Neubauer, Partner, Ehrlich, Neubauer & Melzer of Ehrlich Group. In Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. dated January 22, 2019, The United States Supreme Court unanimously...

Israel Patent Office Annual Report – more Israeli women inventors; shorter examination times

The Israel Patent Office recently published its 2017 Annual Report, which reflects the state of IP prosecution in Israel regarding the submission and examination of patent, trademark and design applications....